

one who contained in a single body all the attributes of both sexes. The child was called after both the father and the mother, "Hermes-Aphrodite". Today we still draw from this ancient myth when we talk of hermaphrodites (two sexes in one body), But the ancient Greeks did not limit this concept to a purely physical situation such as we do today. They meant perfection all-around. They meant a human being who could think and feel and live the sum total of experiences of men and women, sex being only one part of many.

I believe that all forms of life register mutation in every generation. Sometimes mutants represent a step back- ward, but other times they constitute a step forward, an im- provement. The transvestite encompasses in his ego an in- credible variety of traits drawn from man and woman. That is why I violently disagree with many of my TV friends who think of TVism as a form of erotic expression- -and nothing else. It goes a great deal further than that. So much so that there are TVs in whom the erotic aspects of TVism are ENTIRELY AB- SENT. Many of you will say: "what about the thrill we all experience when we first start wearing women's clothes?" It's true, we do, therefore there is a sexual ingredient in the matter, but one ingredient doesn't make a whole pie! Take this example: We get the opportunity of spending a whole week in dresses. Does that mean that we are going to spend seven days and seven nights in a state of contin- uous sexual excitement? Impossible! The human body can't do it. So, even if during the first hours you do experience erotic feelings, these disappear after a while, and what do you have left? You are in the midst of a fascinating adven- ture...you are breathing life into a totally new individual teaching her (or allowing her) to do new things. All the facets that make a human being are now at play, social, in- tellectual, physical, aesthetic....they are all finding new channels for expression. SEX?. just one of the manifest- ations of personality.

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I ask this question of my TV friends: Have you ever curled up with a book and spent hours absorbed in it with only a faint consciousness of your "self"? You put the